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Use of medicinal mud

General baths, wraps, compresses, masks are used for mud therapy. Mud wraps can be used for specific body parts or general.

The recommended temperature of the therapeutic mud is +40-42 °C. Protthe duration of the sedure is usually more than a day, and the duration of the entire treatment course is 10-15 procedures.  The above instruction may be changed upon doctor's recommendations.  In case of certain diseases, in case of good tolerance, the procedures can be performed more often. In each specific case, a doctor's consultation is recommended before starting.

Heating the medicinal mud to the appropriate temperature is carried out with a package in which the medicinal mud is usually placed with water or in a steam bath, the temperature of which must not exceed 60-70 °C. 


According to the procedure, apply the required amount of the heated medicinal mud to the desired area, cover with film and a warm cloth or towel and keep on for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the medicinal mud with clean, lukewarm watera, without using soap and dry the skin lightly, without rubbing.

​Mud wraps is convenient to use for local mud treatment procedures.

​Medical mud-peat mixture is intended for use primarily for the treatment of musculoskeletal overload syndromes, as well as for improving general tone. The mixture is successfully used in combined method massage.​



The mud mask has an excellent cleansing, moisturizing and refreshing effect on the skin.

Medicinal mud stimulates the vitality of cells, balances the biological processes of the skin and increases the oxygen content in it, reduces the development of inflammatory processes. Tired skin is renewed. The cell membrane is strengthened and therefore the skin is protected from environmental damage. Thanks to E-to the vitamin content, the medicinal mud has a strong antioxidant capacity and stimulates tissue regeneration. 


Makes the skin elastic and flexible. Gives the skin a refreshing freshness as it restores the epidermal mineral content. The trace elements and minerals found in the mud improve metabolism and significantly increase the supply of moisture to the skin.

The mud mask also gives good results for scalp problems, improves blood supply, nourishes and strengthens the hair roots. The mask can be used in the sauna or as a separate procedure.



The heated mud can be applied to the face, neck or other part of the body, if desired, covered with a film and a warm cloth, but the mask can also be made without a film. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes, moisturize the skin during the procedure to prevent the mud from drying out.


Remove the mask with warm water and a sponge. If desired, apply a cream suitable for the skin type after the mask.

​In addition to natural medicinal mud, we also offer freeze-dried medicinal mud, which is very convenient to use for cosmetic procedures in the face and neck area. The cost of one procedure is 10g on averager medicinal mud powder that is mixed with water, if desired, different essential oils can be added.​

Hot Sauna


Strengthens the body's resistance, stimulates the immune system and cell activity. 

Relieves joint and muscle painsevalusid.​ Balances the skin's biological processes, rejuvenates the skin and maintains its moisture level. Helps expel excess fluid from the bodyng of waste. 


The sauna air should be humid to prevent the mud from drying on the skin.

Take steam, warm up the body, apply the heated medicinal mud in a layer over the whole body  or locally - mud should be measuredin the heat of approx. 60-70 °C.

The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes, depending on how you feel. The reaction of the human body to the medicinal mud procedure is different, generally stronger sweating can be observed. 

At the end of the procedure, wash off the medicinal mud from the body with water and a sponge.


During the procedure oIt is also important to consume plenty of warm liquids and to rest and relax!

During and immediately after the procedure, you may feel tired and lethargic; after some time, however, the energy surges.

Mud Treatment


Medicinal mud improves blood and lymph circulation, removes waste products, moisturizes and tones the skin.​

If a general or local mud wrap procedure has been performed, then an additional massage is also recommended. The therapeutic mud procedure and the immediately following massage give a particularly good result in combination.

The mud procedure warms up the body surface and the muscles and skin are prepared for massage, warm and soft.​


As a result of the massage, the active ingredients of the mud are absorbed deeper into the body. Massage is done with different oils.

Honey and mud massage

A covering veil and a film are needed to perform the procedure. Honey and treatmentit is advisable to heat the mud to 40-50 °C. At this temperature, candied honey also becomes liquid.
The purposes of using honey are: tonic and healing effect, transports the active ingredients of the medicinal mud
deeper into the bodyapinda, sticks the covering veil to the body​


Before starting the massage, clean the skin with a wet napkin. 

Apply the warmed honey to the surface of the bodywith a brush, then place a suitable piece of protective veil on which a layer of healing mud is applied. It is covered with a film. A blanket or thicker terry cloth is placed on top of the film. If necessary, also a warming bag. 

The duration of the procedure, which takes place at a moderate temperature of 35-40 °C, is 20-25 minutes. 

The honey is completely absorbed, the remains of the medicinal mud are attached to the film and the cover veil and are removed.

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